English info

English info

When you fill out the form at Checkout you will encounter these swedish words:

1 Leveransadress (delivery address)

E-post (email)

Country (if USA also choose state)

Företagsnamn (company name) OPTIONAL

Förnamn (first name)

Efternamn (surname)

Gatuadress (street adress)

Postnummer (ZIP code)

Stad (city)

Telefonnummer (phone number) OPTIONAL

2 Leverans (way of delivery)

3 Faktureringsadress (billing address)

Same as delivery address

4 Betalning (payment)

Card number, month/year, CVC-code

Övriga uppgifter (additional information)

(whatever might be necessary)

Please state your order number.

There is no VAT on our

company's merchandise!

We welcome all purchases from other countries.

Unfortunately this website does not support alternate languages and currencies.

Therefore we provide the following information so that you may place any order without unnecessary hesitation:

The easiest way to pay from countries outside Sweden is with Visa/MasterCard/American Express (through Stripe).

Our webshop has SSL-certificate which guarantee that our customers data and information is handled in a safe way.

1 Euro = 12 SEK (approximately).

Cost of shipment to countries outside Sweden is 129 SEK.

When package has been registered and delivered to the post office, we are no longer responsible for the contents.

The package will be traceable on internet.

Outside of Sweden we deliver to the following countries:

Austria - Österrike

Belgium - Belgien

Croatia - Kroatien

Denmark - Danmark

Estonia - Estland

Finland - Finland

France - Frankrike

Germany - Tyskland

Ireland - Irland

Italy - Italien

Latvia - Lettland

Lithuania - Litauen

Luxemburg - Luxemburg

Netherlands - Nederländerna

Norway - Norge

Poland - Polen

Portugal - Portugal

Spain - Spanien

Switzerland - Schweiz

Great Britain - Storbritannien

United States - USA
